Rebecca Black Wikia

Saturday - Rebecca Black & Dave Days - Official Music Video

Official music video


Black arrives at the party in the official video.

Saturday is Rebecca Black's eighth song. It was made as a sequel to her first song, Friday. It is also very similar. Compared to "Friday", "Saturday" got relatively positive reviews. While it got 380 thousand "likes", it only got 181 thousand "dislikes." It also had eight objects in seen "Friday" video.


The video opens when Black wakes up at 2 in the afternoon, having fallen asleep on the couch. She begins to contemplate the party that had taken place the night before. After breakfast, she calls her friend, Dave Days, and he sings the second verse. Subsequently, Black calls other friends over, and so begins another party.


Like Friday, Saturday does not seem to have any specific message and is more for entertainment.


It is requested that this section be expanded.

Behind the Scenes[]

"Saturday" has eight references to "Friday" in its video.

Other Contributors[]

Dave Days[]

Dave Days

Dave Days (left) in the video

Dave Days was a friend of Rebecca Black. He sings the second verse in place of Black, and appears often throughout the video.